Guest Post by Alison Howard - Protein Principles for Diabetes

Here is another awesome article from Alison Howard, which provides more insight to the importance of adequate protein in diet for diabetics. A big thanks to Alison Howard for sending in such informative and useful articles.

Protein Principles for Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that so many Americans are struggling with, and none of them want to have. Unfortunately, people seem to continue getting this disease. Is there a link between protein and diabetes? If so, what is that connection?

Your Doctor
While some connections may be established between proteins and diabetes, you really need to look at your specific medical condition. Everyone has his or her own state of health, and you cannot just rely on generalizations to say what you should do for your body. You might have a certain condition or problem that changes the way diabetes and protein are connected in your body. Be sure to express all of your concerns to your doctor and ask all of your questions.

Weight Gain
As you probably know, diabetes has strong connections to being overweight or obese. When you are over the proper weight, you are generally at a higher risk for diabetes. One of the ways that you can put on the pounds is by eating too much protein. Of course, some protein is really good for you, and you should not be fearful of all meats. Red meat and processed meats, however, can be particularly harmful to a trim waistline. They might make you gain weight if you are eating them frequently and, in turn, your risk for diabetes goes up as well.

The Numbers
We also need to look a bit at how much protein you should be eating. Again, it depends on what your doctor recommends. Still, the Web MD article entitled "10 Diabetes Diet Myths" notes that too much protein can actually lead to other health problems for you. If you already have diabetes, you certainly do not want to be adding other issues onto your existence. In fact, this article notes that protein should account for about 15 to 20 percent of your daily diet. Choosy less fatty meats and chicken as opposed to beef can certainly be helpful in this endeavor as well.

Type 1 or Type 2
Livestrong's article "How Much Protein for Type 2 Diabetes?" by Angela Ogunjimi reminds us of an importance difference type 1 and type 2 diabetes in terms of protein consumption. Generally, if protein is at all linked with diabetes, it is going to be type 2. This is the type that often results from weight gain or other such problems. Type 1 is usually something that manifests by itself without outside factors coming into play. When you are interested in learning more about the ways that protein consumption is connected to diabetes, it would be wise to research information on type 2 diabetes as opposed to the other category.

Whoever you are, it is important to pay attention to your protein consumption. After all, eating too much of anything is usually not good for you. This rule applies even if you are in the best of shape. Fortunately, by being aware of the circumstances surrounding protein and diabetes, you can craft a healthier life for yourself.

Author Pam Johnson is a certified nursing assistant who cares for a majority of diabetes patients. She obtained her degree from one of the Top 10 Best Online Certified Nursing Assistant Programs.